I need the toilet, the toilet.
People if there isn’t a nearby empty your bladder facilities I suggest that you don’t do the 4 bottles a day detox.
I have three major events coming up where I am suppose to looking my best. I am not going to be able to the lose about 5 stones but hey my skin can look great right.
So I have just finished my first bottle (its taken me 3 hours) and I have been once to the water closet but I need to go again. But I can't alas I have to teach the joys and lights of life my students.
Plus I am starving, its not like I have stopped eating but I am really hungry. I ate my sandwich at 11:30 when normally I eat bout 1pm.
Is this normal?
I got my visa back from the Egyptian embassy and I am set to go! No I am not, I still have to pack and do my shopping for it blah blah
Was suppose to go to kateebah but things happened so I am not going however I now have to join the tallah kateebah because I have missed to many. When I am pondering on this I don’t seem to be getting a anxiety feeling nor I am I feeling really depressed about. I should feel some loss or something about missing it?
I have I lost my sense of motivation about the Duaat program? I am not sure I think I need to seriously consider where I am going with this and how I am to deal with my atrophied feelings towards the program.
I have been trying to recruit and raise awareness about the new northwest Program. I have meeting with the Head ISOC of the local uni’s and they don’t seem to be very interested in the concept nor do they seem to feel any guilty of not attending one.
As they have so many other commitments the program seems to be at the end of their things to do list.
So who am I to sit judgement on what they should be doing to improve themselves?
Another thing is I thought most Muslim groups were on trying to make this world a better place but in the last few weeks its given me an opposite view. Its bad enough that there are people who are trying to bring us down but why in the name of the most merciful are we ( MAB, ISOC,FOSIS etc) creating dissension between each other. In the last couple of days there has been so much politics in the way each group deals with each other its amazing we all don’t run for government. There is a group against group mentality and I wish I could get the heads of all the groups in one room and roar at them for been so petty.
At the end of the day everyone is doing their piece to make our corner of the world a better place and we need to recognise each other for the work each of us do and notto dish each other for their efforts. Here’s a unique idea how about we all get together and try to work together, if we have ideas that run on the same level why not combine out forces and make it a fantastic project not a mediocre one.
Phew that turned out to me more than I meant to right but its here and I am not taking it back.
Nothing really interesting has happened, because of my marking am at home more, mum and me are having nice little conversations as she can pin me down and I don’t (or can’t) really go anywhere else.
I am now paper 206 and I have 46 more papers to finish for Saturday. But I really need to finish for Wednesday as I am on a training days Thursday and Friday.
See how that goes.