Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My child is going to be an only child.

Yesterday was supposed to be a chilled out evening with mates.
Could I be far wrong from that!

First was suppose to meet ETI(Ever The Idealist) at about 4.30 did she turn up no!!! Stood up again jeez people am going to gain a complex after all this.

I rang her about 4.45 to say “where are you”

ETI :“it Maryams fault she forgot her bus pass at mums will be with you in a bit”.
In a bit you would be forgiven if you though that it meant may be another 15 -20 mins.

So go to stand outside Primark and sit on the benches. Watching the pigeons and trying not to eavesdrop on the conversation behind me. Just like to mention its really windy and chilly at this moment in time.

5.17 sent txt msgs no reply. 5.21 one bell no reply . Watching 3 , 3!!! buses from ETI part of town and still no ETI.

By 5.33 it got to cold so I went into Primark . Then I got hold of MD who said wasn’t her fault but they were cumin.

Decided to wander down to TXMax nothin interesting there. By this point was really just feeling sorry for myself and think by do I not just have a nice catch up session with my so called mates why are they always so late and can I be bothered to make the effort again (PMT time ).

But along came NM and met me there. With the message ETI was here but was already at Okalahoma (café shop) not amused not amused.

Meet up with her and just about made up when I get a ring from Dizzy (which she b****y well lives up to) saying that she lost LK train tickets and debit card and could I check all the places she had been to recently.

So wot do I do trek to around the city centre to Piccadilly train station in the rain and the cold. Try and convince LK its not Dizzys fault really.

Get to the MYF about 7.45 there goes the resolution to meet new sisters-Arggghhhh

WA and Palastine dudette was there! My baby girl has grown again jeez louise (or am getting short hmmmmmmmm)

About 8.30 Dizzy txts to say she found them . They has sleep through a hole in the pocket of the bag. While I was trekking round I clearly remembered telling her to check if the bag had holes or it had slipped through anywhere.

By then I am just tired hungry and achy. So I reckon I am going to not put my child through the suffering of siblings doing things like this so he or she will be an only child.

End of a really surreal evening!!!

Ps Type in Miserable and the second entry is Biography of President George W. Bush

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

To be hjiabi or not be hijabi that is the question?

I was talking to NM a couple of days ago and I was read WA blog as well. And this seems to be the common theme so we'll roll with it.

Working in the FE sectors I see a lot of young sisters wearing the head scarf however the term Hijabi may not be what we would say they were. Now I am not sitting on judgement of anyone these are just thoughts that I have had.

Hijab I have been told means covering not a headscarf but its term that we use to describe a girl who wears a head scarf.

So if we go from there I think the blog will easier to understand.

When I was younger my mum sent me to a faith school (Islamic high) and as apart of my uniform I had to wear a headscarf but no one explained why I had to wear and for a long time I associated the headscarf as part of my uniform for school.

In our culture girls didn’t and some still won’t wear the headscarf until they are old or for some after they are married. Some will were the duppatta a see through material which is thrown over their shoulders. Some will have half their head showing.

There is a lot of misunderstanding about been covered I mean there are parent who will allow their daughters to wear the tightest shalwar kameez or shalwars ( the trousers)with splits up them which show a part of their leg or kameez( tops) which don’t have sleeves or completely see through or sarees that you can see people stomachs back and arms. However they wouldn’t be allowed to wear trousers or skirts or tops as they are not modest.

Ohhh Please !!!!!!

In my place of work I am the only hijabi. There are girls here that are hijabis but there are girls who wear the headscarf.

Now the conundrum starts here do I explain to the girls who wear the headscarf (not the hibjis) the right way of been a hijabi or leave it to them to discover it on their own.

I mean it took me about eight years to get where I am and I am still not perfect. And I remember at that age I thought I knew best jeez I was so confident I could have taken on the world and his dog.

Also the other conundrum is as a teacher you are not allowed to comment on personal things like clothing weight, b.o, etc.

So wot to do wot to do!!!

The other is the conduct of our younger sisters. I really hate summer in the college cos all you hear is the girls screeching because the boys are hitting them with water bombs. And they are giggling and screeching and encouraging them to come and fight. Arrrrrrrrrrrrgh

Even today I saw a young habji sister with a lad (and I am not been paranoid but they were attracted and were flirting with each other). Trust me anyone who was in the vicinity could see how badly they liked each other(vibes vibes). I am not saying that all didn’t have the same feelings at one time or another but most of us were very guarded and to tell you the truth I think we were nastier to the boys more than if we didn’t like them.

But again in guidance do I allow this to happen (and pray that they will not make the mistake of taking it any further) or do I say something and risk been reported to senior management for making personal comments?

There is an Islamic society this year and I would like to get involved however I feel I have been excluded on purpose and I don’t want to muscle in as they may feel that I am the teacher sent to spy on them.

Plus some of the girls (Jibabi girls) don’t half give me the looks up and down for not been up to their standard. It’s a very clicky and I personally think that some girls have been excluded as well cos they are not hijabi’s.

I have really wanted to start one but they weren’t allowed for various reasons and the year they allow it I am so bsy I didn’t have time to go to the bog never time track it down to VP Mosque.

So people wot do I do because I feel I am going to be answerable for this and all I can think I could say to God is I am sorry but I was in fear of losing my job.

I have just read this Blog of a young sister on wearing the Hijab and it made me smile. Peeps knock your self out reading

Right i think i have rambled enough.

Salaam People

Finally !!!

Salaam my long lost readers

A couple of things have happened in the past week however other people have beaten me to writing about it.

If you have read the NM or WA blog you will have found out that most of the Manchester crew went along to the Palestine Rally in London. Meet up with Tahnia

Wot other things have happened? Hmmmmmmmmmm

Had our study circle with Abu Sondes, which was as always quite interesting. Abu sondes was commenting on the the amount of new people who were attending the Tuesday circle and wot we were doing to introduce ourselves to the new people so that they feel comfortable.

The suggestion were that:
We have a contact details book
We don’t do our clicky thing
We spread ourselves out in the main room.

So my sisters, we are on a mission to meet as many sisters as we can in the next couple of sessions of the study circle.

Our First (or should that be second as Queen Sophia had baby Dawood when she was in usra.) Baby came to usra. Yipppppee

Our Usra baby (Faith)who is amazingly 5 months old got passed around then I finally got her for 10 mins before someone snatched her away umpfh!!!. She was so good she sat through the beginning just watching and it looked like she was really listening intently Abu Sondes.

Oh yes I forgot I finally I went swimming with LK where we meet MD and Language Addict (AL). MD then proceeded to try and drown me!!!!. Also tried to teach LK how to improve her swimming but I wasn’t a very good teacher as I kept swimming away.

Other things are I have just finished reading a really good book called the Covenants by Lorna Freeman. Its got the best telling off comments going!!
It goes “stickle butt headless, sheep biting bucket head pox witless, cow baiting, dead fish, numb arse gape seed stupid”

LK this morning managed to lock herself in her bedroom as the key had broken. So at 5.30 in the morning she proceeded to wake every one in the house (other than our 'precious' who slept through it all) to try and open the door. She managed to find the second key Praises be to Allah as we were about to get the locksmith out. And get this people. They charge £100 per hour ever if they only stay for 15 mins. For the love of the Almighty, my mum is right people do think we are stupid.

Oh i nearly forgot people I have now booked my ticket to Egypt. So I will be gone for about five to six weeks. It can’t come soon enough.

Right I am signing off

Well not yet if you want to carry on reading as I know there are certain people who don’t have anything other to do. I have second blog entry I am going to publish in 20 mins.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Rant&Rave (actually its just random thoughts&whinging)

Salaam Peeps!!

Life for me has been so hectic recently and most of it my fault. But I am forever learning so inshaAllah I won’t be making the same mistake again.

I am sorry people for the rushed salaams here and there or the rushed telephone conversation or to the conversations where all I have done is talk about my work. But that is over for the next two weeks and there will be exam marking in the next three week after that.

So my dearest friends I ask for your forgiveness in my forgetfulness.

Dear God its nearly the end of the year and I have been teaching three full years and I am still not organized enough not to be doing all nighters.

Now on a completely random tangent of thought

There are people who annoy me but sometimes I wonder who I annoy and if they like me just don’t say to my face. The people who annoy me I am civil to but they are not incorporated in to my social life. But there has to be people who I annoy I wonder who?

What do other people think of me? Do they see the slightly below average height young person who tends to try and bossy people around?

Do they see the friend who is always and will always be there for them

Or sister who is there to whining on or pick on or giggle with until 12 at night even though we have work the next morning.

Ever thought what the world would look like through another persons eyes. I mean sometimes I get a shock looking in the mirror and I think is that really what I look like. So I wonder would I get a shock if I saw my behaviour my attitude and my mannerism through some else point of view.

Is there something even I don’t see that ticks people off about me and how do other people deal with it?

When my kids at work tick me off, boy oh boy do they know they have annoyed me. Not only do they about my annoyance but so do the kids on the table or in the class.

I mean I know when I have annoyed members of my family we are vocal enough that you could hear us down the street.

But I always get a sense of people have a home personality and outside personality. So which one is the truest portray of that person?

How can you really know someone?

People who know me know the a major issue in my life is which begins with the letter M.

I am in the process of meeting feasible potential but you meet someone of them and you know it’s a no straight away.

But there are those that you meet who tick the right boxes on paper BUT there is something funny about them and your family aren’t to keen on him what do you do then.

How do you know he is the person that you want to life the rest of your life with may it be a year or 50 years?

You asked the right questions and you’ve met him once twice and then the doubts hit you. You’ve prayed to Allah to guide and you get a unease feeling but maybeits just nerves or indigestion!

Because you have lowered your expectations right down to the bare minimum you feel “well am I settling” for not second best but maybe fifth best or seventh best.

Am a the fussy and picky little twit who should be grateful people are still interested in marrying you?

What about the one?

The one you have had a dream about but don’t know who he is and when he’s suppose to come into your life.

People the questions not hit you they smack you so hard that you can possible see the other side of the moon.

So ….

Where do I go from here I don’t know . This Blog thing is really therapeutic .
Heck ppl don’t feel obliged to read any more whinging

So am signing off

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Ppl I haven't got time to write so i think i will entertain you with my pics.

InshaAllah i will have most of the coursework done and dusted by next wednesday. So it be a more words and a less grumpy young woman or maybe not

Also those who always need a ride pls pray that i pass on saturday and i will give you rides to where ever your hearts desires.

Enjoy and Masalaam, GYM

Egypt at sunrise

Aswan ducks made by the hotel cleaning ladies

Turkey at sunset in March

Falucca floating down the Nile.