Saturday, April 29, 2006

"Summer dreams drifting away" (guess the film)

Life seems to get away from us all. White African was at our house this morning and she said "God its been nearly a year since we were in Egypt".

To tell you the truth it feels longer because so many things have happened in between. People have gotten married, babies were born, people have moved away and people have gained a year on their age. We have all grown up in different ways.

I am not saying that it’s a bad thing to have time move so fast but sometimes its really scary how things can happen in such a short amount of time but it feels like its taken place over years not weeks or months.

I wonder if any one else feel like time moved slow when we were kids god we couldn't wait until we where all grown up and the dreams we had where taking for ever to happen. Now its all rush rush, sometimes we don't even notice that the sun is out or take the time to breathe in deep and feel the crispiness of the air in our lungs. I am thankful for one thing about work been in walking distance is that i can do the little things that remind me of the seasons and to thank Allah for all my sense.

So what shall we do to celebrate the anniversary of such a great trip well most people are managing to go away again to some place hot, Syria morocco Egypt Abu Dhabi.

So here’s to the summer people (okay there is about 14 weeks to go but who ‘s counting ) may your trips bring you joy and knowledge. May Allah keep you safe and healthy.

Before i sign of just a quick note everyone whether its in the morning or the afternoon or even at night sit outside and look to the skies for a moment amd let me tell you it will right all the wrongs in your day. You will feel as refreshed as if you had drunk a glass of cold water on a hot day.

Rambling are now finished for the day so reader enjoy bank holiday weekend. Love and peace to all

GYM (Ironic huh !!!)


NM said...

its gyw bangles
defo ironic

i am in total agreement more things have happened this year then my whole life time, change sneaks up on you and takes hold. its something to become used to i guess!!

most of us are still in manchester though!! change is fine as long as no one leaves MANCHESTER!

Ever The Idealist said...

salam hon. i think you are def on your way to been a writer yet.
i will inshallah take your advice and get back to you bout the effect it has on me.

NM said...

i am waiting for your next rendition