Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Time for the tide to change


People I want all of you to stand up and be counted as British Muslims.
We are going to deal with crappiness of the hajj visa system. There is no way the Saudi government can get away with being an ostrich any more.

I want you people to join me in a petition and letter writing session to the embassy and the Saudi government to object to the corrupt system that they have in place which is causing so much torment to people.

I was soo depressed and upset yesterday about the news that I wasn’t going to hajj. However I went to my local Islamic circle and guess what I was hearing I was hearing that the reason me and so many people were not going to hajj was because the price of the hajj visa had risen to £700.


Did you know that the Hajj visa are FREE and what people are paying for through the nose is bribes.

And fair enough it may be not my destiny not to go however there is no way I am going to take this laying down.

For goodness sake people what are is happening here!!!

Its not enough that most people can’t go when they are healthy and fit cos they have to spend their youth saving up for them to go to hajj. But they then they have to deal with the corrupt system of the obtaining a visa.


Its time to change

Its time to stop saying its because of the hajj period!

It’s not because of Hajj. It been Hajj period has nothing to do with the corrupt and nasty side of people that comes out during this period.

Its shameful that Muslims are so disorganised and that everyone accepts it.

Not any more people and NO WAY NO HOW

Come on people stand and be counted!!!!!

For the all the muslims who are going Pls pray for all of us and May Allah grant you peace and safety.


NATIVE said...

Hear, Hear

inshaAllah....we will all go next year and this shameful corrupt practice of paying bribes for visa would reduce...hoping for it to stop all together in a year would be too ambitious (but welcoming)!

InshaAllah kheyr

Anonymous said...

go go go go shuli i will join you in this...

marching all the way to the embassy...

Anonymous said...

oh forgot to say that was me, white african, blooger is doing my head in

NM said...

aww i really feel for you all :(

am glad your being so proactive

Ever The Idealist said...

BLOG FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!! You can't tell me off woman. I atlest blog once a year!!!!!!