Friday, August 03, 2007

Lost count

A.a everyone

Am fine i have contacted most of you but some of you your mobiles won't accept my msgs.
So sorry.

Am in dhaka at the moment getting ready for my road trip to cox bazzars its like a seaside resort thing not really sure never been.

Well in the days that i ahve been here it has rained and rained its like i never even left england arggghh there went my plans to sun bath on roof.

My mum has found the need to see every relative she can find and drag me along as shams point blank refuses to leave the animals my aunt keep. he has also adopted my cousin(kajol) as his personally person who he eats sleeps and plays with.

other than that its cool people.

I will be seening you in two weeks tym don't habe too much fun without me.

Love ya



white african said...

cant wait to have you back on mancy land

tuesdays are just not the same banana.

so have you watched all your dvds yet?

NATIVE said...

Missin you!
Come back safe inshaAllah

Ever The Idealist said...

cant wait to see you love. hope you have lots of adventure to tell me about. i have soo much i need to tell you. missing you love xxxx