Friday, September 01, 2006

Back to rain, back to reality

Salaam Ppl

For those who are not in the know i am back in Manchester ( oh the gem of my heart not!!!). When i left Egypt it was 48-49 degrees and now I am soo cold I am wearing like three layers of clothing and that’s only in the house.

To top it all off i am back at work.

I am glad to be back but I feel soo disorientated and disconnected that its like a really surreal out of body experience sometimes. Plus i can barely keep my eyes open after 6pm.

Its strange i always think that things will be completely different from what i left then from but not that much has changed. But then i again i haven't seen all my mates yet have i??????????

But thats all folks as bugs bunny would say.



white african said...

welcome back oh wonderful shuli, you gotta blog about egypt sis,

'ana ayza bosa'

NM said...

lol! 'ana ayza bosa' indeeded :)

blog blog blog ( chanted along with wild claps)

lostkitty said...

WB! u've been missed - u bum! Leaving me behind!!!
I hope that u had an amazing time and learned enough to pass on that knowledge to me!

lam is coming up to manchester today

NM said...

No way!! Excellent... let me know when your free. I need a T dose

Ever The Idealist said...

blog sis, blog

NM said...

i am going to slit my wrist if you don't blog soon

white african said...

i dont get it, your an it teacher, your surrounded by computers, why are you not blogging, why are you giving me hope and then dashing them across the copmuter screen,

shuliiiiiiiiiiiii why oh why shuliiiiiiiiiii