Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Finally !!!

Salaam my long lost readers

A couple of things have happened in the past week however other people have beaten me to writing about it.

If you have read the NM or WA blog you will have found out that most of the Manchester crew went along to the Palestine Rally in London. Meet up with Tahnia

Wot other things have happened? Hmmmmmmmmmm

Had our study circle with Abu Sondes, which was as always quite interesting. Abu sondes was commenting on the the amount of new people who were attending the Tuesday circle and wot we were doing to introduce ourselves to the new people so that they feel comfortable.

The suggestion were that:
We have a contact details book
We don’t do our clicky thing
We spread ourselves out in the main room.

So my sisters, we are on a mission to meet as many sisters as we can in the next couple of sessions of the study circle.

Our First (or should that be second as Queen Sophia had baby Dawood when she was in usra.) Baby came to usra. Yipppppee

Our Usra baby (Faith)who is amazingly 5 months old got passed around then I finally got her for 10 mins before someone snatched her away umpfh!!!. She was so good she sat through the beginning just watching and it looked like she was really listening intently Abu Sondes.

Oh yes I forgot I finally I went swimming with LK where we meet MD and Language Addict (AL). MD then proceeded to try and drown me!!!!. Also tried to teach LK how to improve her swimming but I wasn’t a very good teacher as I kept swimming away.

Other things are I have just finished reading a really good book called the Covenants by Lorna Freeman. Its got the best telling off comments going!!
It goes “stickle butt headless, sheep biting bucket head pox witless, cow baiting, dead fish, numb arse gape seed stupid”

LK this morning managed to lock herself in her bedroom as the key had broken. So at 5.30 in the morning she proceeded to wake every one in the house (other than our 'precious' who slept through it all) to try and open the door. She managed to find the second key Praises be to Allah as we were about to get the locksmith out. And get this people. They charge £100 per hour ever if they only stay for 15 mins. For the love of the Almighty, my mum is right people do think we are stupid.

Oh i nearly forgot people I have now booked my ticket to Egypt. So I will be gone for about five to six weeks. It can’t come soon enough.

Right I am signing off

Well not yet if you want to carry on reading as I know there are certain people who don’t have anything other to do. I have second blog entry I am going to publish in 20 mins.


NM said...

about bloody time........phew k am getting back to work, next break i wanna see your next entry up and read to go

NM said...

is Ma going too and taking Mr sunshine?

we shall defo chill inshallah, and am sooooo glad that your hols are in august when i am in bosnia unlike AD and GYW pooh