Wednesday, February 07, 2007

point me in the right direction

Looking around me I wonder where everyone fits and where I fitting.

Sometimes I feel like a square peg trying to fit in a slot that’s circular.

I want to foster I really do but then I get the but shouldn’t I get married first or aren’t you a bit young. Apparently been in your twenties is when you should be selfish.

That a load of crock. I can be selfish when I want to be, when I just want to shut everyone out and read or hide my junk food from everyone. That’s my selfish I can’t see wot other things would bother me about having children.

Plus has anyone thought maybe just maybe I am not meant to be married and this is wot I am suppose to be doing. Think about all the money i would save that could go towards a nice house. Can someone explain that to my family pls!!!!!

I don’t think its like I want to be know as martyr or a saint I want to do something that changes the society that we live in.

Some people are great cos they have the political ambition, can take the time out to join groups that kind of thing. Others speak out in their art whether its written or drawn.

Me I just want the one to one change. I believe that if every capable muslim couple took in a child who needed care we would not be in the situation that we are in. Did you know there is only a small minority of people who are muslim foster parents in Manchester.

Why fostering………………………………………………………………………

Because at the end of the day that one child that I may have had a chance to save from harm or future harm.

Also there are so many forms of fostering, I can become a foster parent straight way or start of with lodgers i.e. kids who are 16-17 that are going to be exiting the care system.

I can have this conversation with loads of different types of people but there hasn’t been one who has said yeah actually go and do it, who cares if you are married or not.

I mean why am I dependant on a fella who I then have to take into consideration.

I want someone to say yes you are right and maybe it’s the thing you are meant to do.

Which is why I feel like a square peg cos I want children and I don’t mind if they are mine, his or anyone’s.

To feel the unconditional love that children have for their carer is the one thing you can never buy.


Ever The Idealist said...

I agree wholeheartedly. You know that. we just need to change the thinking of those around us.
I think it might be easier to foster if you are married - for the simple reason that you have support. It doesn't mean that i can't be done alone but it just seems harder(maybe more rewarding for it?)

I knew you had things to blog about ...

Anonymous said...

I must admit while reading this i got really annoyed because all those everyone means well, Our beloved prophet (saw) said he who takes care of an ophran will be like this with me on the DOJ (putting his two fingers together)

Walahi your an incredible woman and Allah has give you sooooooooo many talents and so much selfless love for those around you! You are truely a blessing to us and it makes me wonder just how much of a blessing you would be to that little soul you could give a home to and love and bring them up!

why should some man who doesn't even feature in your life affect that!!!

shuls sometime i think you just have to do what feels right in your soul, that which stirs your soul till you ache with it!

DO it my beautiful friend and when a worthy man finally gets around to realising how incredible you are then great but till then i think you should share all that you have been give with someone like our little Hussein.

Mucho love

Naima (blogger wont allow me to log on :(